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Memorable 80's - 90's Toys

Hi Peeps,

Good day, no no no.. i haven't turn 80 yet. but today,i'm gonna re-cap a little on my childhood sweetest memories specifically toys on my era. LOL
Perhaps some of you are a 'Y Generation' like me? anybody? Well, i'm gotta say i'm beyond blissful to be born on the 80's.

Reminiscing those beautiful moment got me giggling, i grew up in a tiny little town which completely has no car, instability of electrical supply (most houses have their own gen set for daily use) has been part of our life which we're so get used to, i think most Indonesian can totally relate on the power supply drama which been going on for years, anyway.. i'm not gonna preach on the country issues.

Having to deal with armies of mosquitoes and other insect families.. no biggie. walking miles away every morning to school and extra tutor classes under the sun kisses, i felt that.
Playing after school on my bare foot running around with the boys, catching fishes and froggies in the dirty drain, 'bathing' in heavy rain with sachets of shampoo under some leaking pipe (read : water fall, FML) those are just part of my precious childhood memories that utterly treasured.

Tho i'm more likely to engaged in the outdoor activities, but i did play with my toys too.
Here are some of the glorious toys I've owned which to me, it worth more than the technology devices that kids generally play with nowadays.. say Ipad?

1. The Fishing Toy (Photo courtesy of

Far as i could recalled, this toy is with support of regular AA battery and once you ON it. the fishes in the pond actually rotate in a clockwise motion and the random mouth of the fishes will open (each fishes has a tiny magnet in the mouth and on the tip of the fishing hook) that pretty much how you catch em'

2. The Penguin Race (Photo courtesy of Toywonders)

I had so much fun with this, just by watching the black and red penguins racing against each other. my favourit part gotta be 'stairs climbing' uber cute : D

3. The Snappers Pop (Photo courtesy of Hooksettfireworks)

My neighbors find the pop sounds really irritating, but i love it! irritatingly pleasuring

4. Balloon Blowing Kit (Photo courtesy of Productsafety)

I wasn't really sure, if this balloon kit sold internationally. some countries does banned this item due to it's chemical contain, but it's available in Indonesia. and i'm really glad it's still sold to date.

5. The Paper Dolls and Paper Images (Photo courtesy of Tattoodonkey)

Who love Sailor Moon??? I DID!! i was a huge fans of Sailor moon, when i was younger.
catching up with its TV series cartoon every weekend, which apparently i came out with tons of lame excesses to skip my Buddhist school every Sunday.

I still remember how enjoyable it was to changing the paper doll clothes that i even ripped some of the head off (you know it's paper, it torn easily) but i always use the scotch tape to put it back in place.
literally live in the age where things are broken, i fix it. not throw them away.. and another exiting memories playing with the paper doll was building the 'house' out of folded paper as the compartments and made a bed out of cigarette boxes, tea table/drawer out of matches box. the best yet..

(Photo courtesy of Goedangdjadoel)

This is like the male version of 'paper doll' hahaha, but i enjoy playing this too.
cutting the images into pieces and start betting with the boys. some of you probably wonder how to play this.
Well basically, there are various way. but i usually go for the simplest 1, first you place your bet (how many piece of images you put for price) and take 1 piece of the your 'Happy go lucky' image, same step to your opponent.
Next, hold the image you've chosen in your palm and 'high five/tap' them against your opponent whoever color image turns up, that will be the winner, and you may take your opponent bet home.

6. Glass Marble Balls (Photo courtesy of 123rf

I love collecting marble balls, my favorite gotta be the mini size. i used to put em' in a glass jar and fill it with water (i'm not sure why the hell i did that) LOL. sometimes i put those marbles is my fish tank too.

7. Barbie Doll (Photo courtesy via Pinterest) *Locket Surprise Barbie edition

Don't judge me peeps, tho i spend lots of my childhood play dirty outside mostly with the boys. but i'm still keep my inner lady soul in the inside, this set of barbie was 1 of my most loved out of the 4 barbie doll i had.
the heart shape chest had a hidden lip gloss with some fruity cotton candy kind of scent. arghhh how i miss those smell.. i love barbie dolls, i always do. sometimes i purposely go to ToyRus or some other department store, lingering for hours in the barbie department #foreverkidsintheinside

8. Polly Pocket (Old version) (Photo courtesy of Flickr, Iwantyourstyle & the90slife)

To me, there are no other toy that can possibly beat the cuteness on the old Polly Pocket!! the tiny lil princesses which move/attachable to the standing ground, oh boy.. bring em' back! i used to owned like 3 or 4 of the regular pockets, and some of the minis.

9. Rainbow Slinky (Photo courtesy of Toyingwithplay

10. Tamagotchi (Photo courtesy of Bonjourblythe)

If there is 1 thing that i played during my childhood which is the most 'hi-tech' version kind of toy at that moment, it gotta be none other than the Tamagotchi!
i was thrilled seeing my dinosaur growing up, monitoring their health by watching its weight, put it to bed, bath, playing with it to keep it happy, feeding em', teaching them.. and yet extremely heart broken when it died because i forgot to feed it, LOL

I wish i could share more with you guys on my tons of childhood experiences, but that is impossible because if i do.. it's gotta be a huge ass long grandma bed time stories.
So yeah, that is all for today.
Have fun reminiscing, treasure every moment in your life and always remember to be thankful.

Till Then,
Have a Great Day

Much Love ♥


Backpack.with.blessings said…
Them toys! Brings back childhood memories....especially the balloons which were my fave!

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