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Showing posts from November 13, 2015

Have Faith in yourself with "Faith in Face"

(sponsored post) There's no secret that the Korean are in the list of the top ranking for drama industry across Asia, so is their K-Beauty. over the past few years, we've seen tons of Korean homegrown beauty product poppin' up like... Pop corns, does that make sense? LOL  Talk about the advance level and variety? the Korean are DOPE! you'll be surprise by their endless range of choices available. personally, i'm not really into Korean drama and the entire K-pop culture craze. but i gotta admit, lately.. i'm pretty obsess with Korean beauty products. i've tried and tested numerous Korean skincare and cosmetics and to my surprise, i find them suit my skin better than some of the big western brands does. perhaps, it's due to the composition & property that are more asian-oriented. Mask/Pack is also 1 of the most popular Korean's favorite to rejuvenate and preserve their porcelain fair dewy looking skin, and today.. i'm gonna share my persona...