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Showing posts from November 18, 2013

Brooks Run Happy 2013

Hi Peeps, Good day, first of all i sincerely apologize for the 'inaccessible' blog for the past few days. it was down as part of the redirecting process as i'm moving to host on my own domain. anyway, i'm just wanna do a quick update on what I've been up to last weekend. Does anyone of you join the Brooks Run Happy 2013 last saturday? at first i wasn't aware of this event until i saw the advertisement on Groupon couple of weeks ago, so i thought lets do this! after all, i have not been running/attending charity run event for the past 4 months LOL. Running is definite my absolute favorite type of sport, tho my running skill are pretty lame #imnotaproffesionalrunner. i used to run like at least twice a week on the average distance around 4 to 5 km on each run, and there was once i push myself to 8 km + and i succeeded *madproud therefore looking at this brooks run on the 9 km seems achievable (i assume) I signed up and paid for $45, collected my race pac