Hi Peeps Ohmaigaaaattt... I'm really sorry for keep ya'll waiting, was experiencing some technical issue with the posting. hope you wouldn't mind tho. as per promised on my last post, today i'm gonna be doing some Valentine edition nail do. Bit of pink and white combination to give this nail do a typical soften romantic look just in time for the love day to come. Alright, i'm just gonna keep this post as short and quick as possible. coz i gotta rush to do something else so lets get started. Step 1 (apply base coat to all finger nails) Step 2 (Paint your pinky, middle, index/pointer and thumb with soft pink. plus white polish for the ring finger) Note : here i'm just paint all the finger nails with a single coat to shorten the drying time, coz we gonna overlay with some embossed detail. alternatively, you can do a multiple coat to build the intensity as desired. Step 3 (By using dotting tool/toothpick, start creating the outline and draw a lit...