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Benefit Cosmetics (Brow haul)

Hello Beautifulsss (YES You!! *many of you),

Anybody out there couldn't effort to get outta house without having your eyebrow fix? Yes? we are confirmed siblings from another mothers.. Hahahah, no seriousely , i'm kidding XD

Well, my 'Browmance' is strong enough that i can safely say it's something i would never ever ever leave home without. I'm totally good to go without slapping foundation, concealer, face powder, eye make up, whatever.. you name it. But to leave without the eye brows done is definitely a BIG NO NO to me
Reason is simple : i personally believe brow create a huge impact on the entire look of our face. it has powerful control to make you looks younger, mature, define, sexy? *i guess

Anyway, some of you probably wonder "Bitch please, why is fixing your eye brows so freakin' important?" and hey, it's because i have a sparse brows!! (how blissful if you're born with fuller thick eye brows, i'm jelly)

Talking about eye brows, i made my way to dropped by Sephora Singapore to grab on some of the Benefit eye brow products

* Top, Benefit "gimme Brow" SGD $34
* Middle, Benefit "they're Real" Mascara SGD $16
* Bottom, Benefit "instant Brow pencil" SGD $35

I've heard many been raving about this baby

So why not give it a try? been Benefans of Benefit Cosmetics for a while, absolutely adore their sheek, vintage looking packaging and needless to mention how they name their product which to me E.P.I.C.


Alright, back to the 'gimme Brow', i picked Deep shade to suit my warm skin tone. it comes in a mini version of mascara-like tube, an applicator brush, and tips & trick guide.

all i can say "ZOOOOOMAAAIIGAAAATTT" love at first swoosh!!! this is exactly the product i've been longing for!
the texture, the applicator, the effect it create.. just PERFECT! you have no idea how happy am i to finally found a product which work best on me brows

Moving on next, i got myself the "instant Brow pencil" again in Deep shade. to be honest, i was in doubt to take this home because i hardly find any eye brows pencil texture which works. what's with the fuss? Oily skin!! that's so me. experimenting on couple of brands, it's really difficult to applied em' over an oily face like mine.

Second reason, i'm sucks in drawing a perfectly shaped brows especially with brow pencils, that's probably why i glued myself devotedly on eye brows shadow.
But this "instant Brow pencil" is another life changing experience *Dramaqueen (i know, please excuse my excitement)

In my opinion, the 'gimme Brow' work best if you want to achieve a natural looking brows that wearable for work, class, casual hang out.
while the 'instant Brow pencil' is perfect for more sultry kinda look, say party people? hehehe..

Last, my unintended purchase LOL. like really, wasn't plan to buy "they're Real" mascara untilll.. it caught my eyes along the queue to the payment counter *dear sephora, you're store display and placement totally nailed people like me.

i recommended this mascara to my girl, while i didn't even use any #LMFAO.
so fair enough, since it's in travel size i'll get em (i have a soft-spot on anything travel friendly *Read : small size.. wait, oh no, i don't. more like soft-spot on anything that catch my eyes) wwkwkwwk
This is just the size of my ring finger! give me 10 reason why i shouldn't get it?!

The mascara applicator kinda reminds me of sea urchin somehow, hahha.. but it does a good job nonetheless.

Hey NO, i'm not done yet... i'm already happy enough on my entire purchase, but even happier when i made my payment and the staff Sephora Singapore swapped my white card
and she was like :
Staff : "Oh.. it's your Birthday month, and we got a gift for you. would you like to redeem now?"
Me *eagerly "Yes please (assuming it's gonna be the same old gift as what they've always been giving *Sephora 'Bain Bath' Shower Gel BUT I WAS WRONG!)

I received a mini make up pallet which consist of (Left to right):

* Sephora Exclusive Blush
* Sephora Rough Shine lip gloss in shade 05
* Sephora Rough Shine lip gloss in shade 30
* Sephora Eye Shadow 'Coffee Brown' in shade N08
* Sephora Eye Shadow 'Creme Caramel' in shade M08
* Sephora Eye Shadow 'Must Have' in shade M04
* Sephora Eye Shadow 'Catherine' in shade N03

Aww.. #feelingblisful it made my day indeed (admit it!!! we all love free gift, aren't we? and it even more delighting when it's exceeded your expectation)

So ladies/Men/tranny, everybody, head down to Sephora Singapore, sign yourself up because they are giving up White Card membership for FREE!!

Guess that is all for today beautifuls...

Till Then,
Have a Great Day

Much Love <3


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