mm . . . today 22nd of march,sunday. this is my first time writing a blog since previously i use to wrote in friendster, but this doesn't seems to be that interisting no more. this time,i gotta try it here...
well,i'm not supposta waste my time to write this up,coz recently i'm overloaded by bunch of assignments and tomorrow,i got test too >_<
*i tell maself,it's ok,just to a lil bit reflect ma mind from all the stesses and crazy stuff that almost hit the dateline.
god damn,time is running extremely fast... and i'm gonna have my exam so soon...
think i just gonna stop up to here,coz i got to copy some stuff for my test preparation.. i'll be back soon to share ma daiy story.. i will ^o^ stay cool huh . . . .
well,i'm not supposta waste my time to write this up,coz recently i'm overloaded by bunch of assignments and tomorrow,i got test too >_<
*i tell maself,it's ok,just to a lil bit reflect ma mind from all the stesses and crazy stuff that almost hit the dateline.
god damn,time is running extremely fast... and i'm gonna have my exam so soon...
think i just gonna stop up to here,coz i got to copy some stuff for my test preparation.. i'll be back soon to share ma daiy story.. i will ^o^ stay cool huh . . . .