what a day.. omg,I've been settin' for about 4 hours to create an advertisement for my assignment report,but i still couldn't get it done T.T it's pathetic. anyway while i work on the ass-ignment, glancly come to mind about my blog, last time i tought about to blog everyday,but things like doesn't runing on the track >.< probably because of time.
man,latey all the schol stuffs are drivin' me crazeeee... report and test is just about the corner, and know what? exam is coming sooooooooo soon,DAMN! again... well, there's no one to blame if things are seems to be so packed coz i make it happend ^^ *argh... idiot! T.T
huff... just forget about the school stuff for a while, that the most bored topic to touch on.. erm, what et me share a lil bit of ma plan, i feels like going home this sem break. i miss my home so much, my puppies is the second thing that make me sooooooooooooo gonna go home. i miss them so much since that last time i'm with them in the 2007,god... i have not back home nearly 2 years... wkwkwwkwk.. and the first thing that i miss the most are none other than my belover parent.. i miss ma Ii,i miss papa,muaaaaach2 for both of them ^.^
can't wait to be home, i'm sure there are many thing has changed. and i hope all the changes are to be better for sure. alright i guess i'm gonna stop here. let me get ride on my stuff which i gotta get it done,at least by tomorrow..