"I don't care about what people say about me,i just don't give a damn to diet stuff" i used to say that,but Believe it or not, now I'M IN! geez.. it wasn't my own initiative tohave some diet on me, but seems like every body are making so much noise about body weight, body shape or whatever. my classmate,closes friends,even ma baby boy suggest me to give a try.
i did realized that my body weigh has gone up dramatically, back in 2006 when i first step in Malaysia, i was 58-59 kg (not really sure,but around that range) and now 65,omg... i gain 6 kg just over 2 years time T.T whereby i gotta work it out now.
recently targeting in 60,try to make it... so far it's on about 3 days,everything was fine. i did not gone for extreme diet yet,coz what i believe is that diet are not about NOT EATING AT ALL, but mostly people does assume to lose weight faster,that's the only way.. or takin' medicine. i just did some simple one, as usual (even not in diet) i didn't take breakfast, breads/some open food like vegies, and fruit for dinner.

catch me soon k...