Isn't it so weird & random of me to pop out of nowhere and sharing Churros recipe after months of MIA, well.. i still love ya guys, a little something to make it up to you. my faithful reader, thank you for constantly checking back despite of the lack of updates
Now, let's get started. first of all, i'd like to let you know that this recipe is my very own version of Churros, it was not a 'follow' nor adopted version of any well-know baker & Youtuber in the industry so if you're looking for something that is more 'proper' or strictly with detail measurement to follow, i highly doubt this is for you.
what i came out with is definitely something easy peasy or in a simplest word, this is gonna be idiot proof recipe! but.. with a taste like a pro
I'm not gonna tell you how much of ingredients you need to prepare in any form of measurement (gram, ml etc) because i didn't go with any kind of measurement either. this is the time my brother and sister... the time where you gotta keep you guessing game strong and just go with it, build up the chef instinct in you! that's what make this recipe so simple i bet
Ingredients :
- Unsalted Butter
- a bowl of all purpose flour (shifted)
- a bowl of water
- Eggs
- pinch of salt
- Tiny bit of baking soda/powder (optional)
- Caster/Coarse Sugar
- Ground Cinnamon
- Cooking oil
Instruction :
- in a sauce pan, pour in a bowl of water and heat up to a semi boil
- place about 2 to 3 table spoon of unsalted butter, 2 - 3 Table spoon of sugar, salt and baking soda to the pan and stir until completely dissolve
- add a bowl of all purpose flour to the mixture and keep stiring until it form a dough, remove from heat & set aside to cool *Note : Once the churros dough have lightly cool down, gradually add in 2 - 3 pieces of egg to the mixture. 1 egg at a time. after everything well combined, you can load in the mixture into a piping bag with a star nozzle tip. or if you don't have it, just snip off 1 corner on a zip lock bag, it made a good dope except without the ridge edges
- after the oil is hot, squeeze churros dough straight to the pan and cut to your desire length using a scissor. you can also form a heart shape or any shape you fancy while squeezing.
- when its cook and started to turn golden brown, place it a a plate layered with paper towel to absorb any excess oil.
for the icing, you can go the classic way by mixing about 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon in a small bowl of caster sugar. i highly recommend to coat the churros while it's hot so that the sugar can stick better, or you can also dust in some icing sugar or even just eat it plain on it's own with chocolate dips for extra sinful pleasure.
Voilà, crowd pleaser comfort food!!
