Hi Peeps,
Any Pineapple fan out there??? I do love pineapple, like really really DO LOL. even though i have a very sensitive tongue where it'll bleed after consuming above 2 piece of regular slices, but i'm still gonna gobble it anyway.
does anyone here share the same experience? weirdest body reaction ever FML
Alright, today imma turn you into pineapple!! hahahah.. i mean your nails perhaps, not the physical you.
it's something fun and refreshing with a hint of pop up color, perfect to hype up the summer kick.
Pineapple Bonanza
To create this look, here i'm using :
* Base coat
* Top Coat
* Yellow nail polish
* Green nail polish
* White nail polish
* Chocolate nail polish
* Nail art brush
(step 1)
Apply Base coat to all finger nails
(Step 2)
Paint the Middle finger and thumb with White polish, followed by yellow polish to the rest of the finger nails
(Step 3)
Now you have you're 'canvas' base ready, let's draw some pineapple body. by using the nail art brush/toothpick, create a small semi-round shape at the corner and bigger on the remaining space on your nail bed with the yellow nail polish. it doesn't have to be perfectly rounded, just simply draw a shape that close to resemble a pineapple.
(Step 4)
Adding some border detail and accent. by using the green polish, create a few strips that represent the pineapple crown. and chocolate nail polish to create the skin pattern
(Step 5)
Use back the same yellow nail polish to create freshly ripe pineapple flesh with a blank core
(Step 6)
Seal all the designs with generous amount of top coat, and you're done ;)
Just by looking at my nails makes feel extremely happy : D #pineapplefever
Have fun trying people