Holiday is 'ON' and i've been spending this past 3 days by watchin' movies,since i'm runnin' out of cash i can't go anywhere.. hikz2. BUT today,i break the rule.. well,sometimes we just need to spend a lil bit more bucks to pampered ourself,won't you agree on that? ^o^ hahahaha.. goin' to our favorite (me and my friends) place 'secret recipe' to get somethin' cheesy for sure ^o^
i pick
Prawn Macaroni with cheese (definitely one of my favorite dish aside from chicken cordon blue) ^^
A glass of green tea ice blended, *I'm just wonderin' why the cream on the top is gettin' lesser and lesser -.-'in fact i love to have it more as before. next...
A piece of joy brought by Durian cheese cake >.< make me feels like,whoooo... Lovely dessert
in the end,can i call this wholemeal? wkwkwkwkwkw
alright,i just remember that i got a lil something to share which i create it myself,based on ma own experiment ^o^ 'banana smoothie'.

trust me people, it taste soooooooo good,NO KIDDING! even me myslef,never thought that it's gonna be that good. just so simple,all you gotta do is
*just grab pack of fresh milk
*2/3 pieces of banana (preference)
*blend it up using blender as smooth as you want it to be ^^,
that's it.. i personally love it,not because i made it myself. but the taste itself,tells the different.. have a try..
i pick
A glass of green tea ice blended, *I'm just wonderin' why the cream on the top is gettin' lesser and lesser -.-'in fact i love to have it more as before. next...
A piece of joy brought by Durian cheese cake >.< make me feels like,whoooo... Lovely dessert
in the end,can i call this wholemeal? wkwkwkwkwkw
alright,i just remember that i got a lil something to share which i create it myself,based on ma own experiment ^o^ 'banana smoothie'.

trust me people, it taste soooooooo good,NO KIDDING! even me myslef,never thought that it's gonna be that good. just so simple,all you gotta do is
*just grab pack of fresh milk
*2/3 pieces of banana (preference)
*blend it up using blender as smooth as you want it to be ^^,
that's it.. i personally love it,not because i made it myself. but the taste itself,tells the different.. have a try..
ARGGHHH!! kangen secret recipe, kangen sama kakak yg gendut n ngeselin ituh, GREEN TEA, DURIAN CHEESE!! OHMIGOD!! I WAAAANNNNTTT!!
disini kayanya secret recipe ga begitu terkenal er, kaga menjamur kaya di malay, lagian kaga ada yg se-ide ama gw, ga ada yg bisa diminta nemenin buat ke secret! erlinaaaaaa.... cepatlah dikau kemari!!!
kalo sg kayaknya orang lebih suka ke resto2 chiness d keknya,kalo gak yang western concept gitu.. secret terlalu rendah buat mereka mit,bhuahauhauahuahau